Sundaram MF Start An SIP Dec2024 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Tata Short Term Bond Reg Periodic IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 24.5905
24-02-2025 24.5842
21-02-2025 24.5683
20-02-2025 24.5678
18-02-2025 24.5641
17-02-2025 24.5576
14-02-2025 24.5422
13-02-2025 24.5395
12-02-2025 24.5379
11-02-2025 24.5376
10-02-2025 24.5294
07-02-2025 24.529
06-02-2025 24.5488
05-02-2025 24.536
04-02-2025 24.5179
03-02-2025 24.5141
31-01-2025 24.4908
30-01-2025 24.4915
29-01-2025 24.486
28-01-2025 24.4857
27-01-2025 24.4836
24-01-2025 24.454
23-01-2025 24.4453
22-01-2025 24.4475
21-01-2025 24.4369
20-01-2025 24.4202
17-01-2025 24.4008
16-01-2025 24.4007
15-01-2025 24.3674
14-01-2025 24.3499
13-01-2025 24.3445
10-01-2025 24.3755
09-01-2025 24.3731
08-01-2025 24.3743
07-01-2025 24.3782
06-01-2025 24.3685
03-01-2025 24.3494
02-01-2025 24.3405
01-01-2025 24.3384
31-12-2024 24.339
30-12-2024 24.3235
27-12-2024 24.3087
26-12-2024 24.3036
24-12-2024 24.298
23-12-2024 24.2985
20-12-2024 24.2844
19-12-2024 24.2874
18-12-2024 24.303
17-12-2024 24.2968
16-12-2024 24.3007
13-12-2024 24.2923
12-12-2024 24.2867
11-12-2024 24.2898
10-12-2024 24.2953
09-12-2024 24.2842
06-12-2024 24.2645
05-12-2024 24.2854
04-12-2024 24.2798
03-12-2024 24.2626
02-12-2024 24.2587
29-11-2024 24.2173
28-11-2024 24.1896
27-11-2024 24.1849
26-11-2024 24.1788
25-11-2024 24.1786
22-11-2024 24.1584
21-11-2024 24.1627
19-11-2024 24.162
18-11-2024 24.1535
14-11-2024 24.1336
13-11-2024 24.1424
12-11-2024 24.1453
11-11-2024 24.146
08-11-2024 24.1353
07-11-2024 24.1209
06-11-2024 24.1155
05-11-2024 24.1129
04-11-2024 24.11
31-10-2024 24.0938
30-10-2024 24.095
29-10-2024 24.084
28-10-2024 24.0693
25-10-2024 24.0691
24-10-2024 24.0733
23-10-2024 24.0685
22-10-2024 24.0562
21-10-2024 24.0559
18-10-2024 24.0567
17-10-2024 24.0645
16-10-2024 24.0629
15-10-2024 24.0638
14-10-2024 24.0563
11-10-2024 24.0388
10-10-2024 24.0338
09-10-2024 24.0321
08-10-2024 24.003
07-10-2024 23.9821
04-10-2024 23.9794
03-10-2024 23.999
01-10-2024 24.0081
30-09-2024 23.9921
27-09-2024 23.973
26-09-2024 23.9829
25-09-2024 23.9665
24-09-2024 23.9549
23-09-2024 23.9487
20-09-2024 23.9368
19-09-2024 23.9323
17-09-2024 23.9116
16-09-2024 23.9127
13-09-2024 23.8861
12-09-2024 23.8716
11-09-2024 23.8614
10-09-2024 23.8487
09-09-2024 23.8449
06-09-2024 23.8327
05-09-2024 23.83
04-09-2024 23.8241
03-09-2024 23.8162
02-09-2024 23.8095
30-08-2024 23.801
29-08-2024 23.8017
28-08-2024 23.7994
27-08-2024 23.7946
26-08-2024 23.7914
23-08-2024 23.775
22-08-2024 23.7725
21-08-2024 23.7665
20-08-2024 23.7612
19-08-2024 23.7528
16-08-2024 23.7384
14-08-2024 23.7375
13-08-2024 23.726
12-08-2024 23.721
09-08-2024 23.711
08-08-2024 23.7078
07-08-2024 23.7065
06-08-2024 23.6983
05-08-2024 23.6999
02-08-2024 23.6722
01-08-2024 23.6639
31-07-2024 23.6543
30-07-2024 23.6487
29-07-2024 23.6519
26-07-2024 23.6326
25-07-2024 23.6185
24-07-2024 23.6023
23-07-2024 23.5951
22-07-2024 23.5922
19-07-2024 23.5838
18-07-2024 23.578
16-07-2024 23.5669
15-07-2024 23.553
12-07-2024 23.5386
11-07-2024 23.534
10-07-2024 23.528
09-07-2024 23.5197
08-07-2024 23.5153
05-07-2024 23.5005
04-07-2024 23.4928
03-07-2024 23.4837
02-07-2024 23.4786
01-07-2024 23.4689
30-06-2024 23.4664
28-06-2024 23.4584
27-06-2024 23.4523
26-06-2024 23.449
25-06-2024 23.453
24-06-2024 23.4532
21-06-2024 23.4401
20-06-2024 23.4334
19-06-2024 23.4303
18-06-2024 23.4205
14-06-2024 23.4053
13-06-2024 23.4004
12-06-2024 23.3905
11-06-2024 23.3853
10-06-2024 23.3741
07-06-2024 23.3639
06-06-2024 23.356
05-06-2024 23.3384
04-06-2024 23.3287
03-06-2024 23.3707
31-05-2024 23.3432
30-05-2024 23.337
29-05-2024 23.3346
28-05-2024 23.3393
27-05-2024 23.3406
24-05-2024 23.3282
22-05-2024 23.3179
21-05-2024 23.2991
17-05-2024 23.2746
16-05-2024 23.2774
15-05-2024 23.2615
14-05-2024 23.2485
13-05-2024 23.2392
10-05-2024 23.2242
09-05-2024 23.2145
08-05-2024 23.2137
07-05-2024 23.2149
06-05-2024 23.2143
03-05-2024 23.1834
02-05-2024 23.1721
30-04-2024 23.1522
29-04-2024 23.1499
26-04-2024 23.1373
25-04-2024 23.1314
24-04-2024 23.1319
23-04-2024 23.1366
22-04-2024 23.1205
19-04-2024 23.0986
18-04-2024 23.1174
16-04-2024 23.1056
15-04-2024 23.1117
12-04-2024 23.1001
10-04-2024 23.1208
08-04-2024 23.0996
05-04-2024 23.1064
04-04-2024 23.1106
03-04-2024 23.1003
02-04-2024 23.0954
31-03-2024 23.0988
28-03-2024 23.0889
27-03-2024 23.0558
26-03-2024 23.04

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